Friday, June 3, 2011

Liberty Wool & Blocking Kits

The new Liberty Wool colors have arrived for the month of June and they're wonderful.

In case you haven't been following, we have a subscription to receive 2 new Liberty Colors from Classic Elite each month before they are available in the fall! Kind of a sneak preview. We've fallen in love with every colorway and get so excited to see the next.

Pictured above is color Red Rock Canyon, #7812. A mix of violets, pinks and tans.

Pictured above: Starry Night, # 7811 is a mix of blues, greens and that bright chartreuse that's so popular right now.

Molly is a fun and frilly scarf that really shows how the colors change as you knit with them.
This is one of six really cute patterns featured in the Classic Elite Liberty Wool booklet.

I think the Liberty Wool prints would be really fun to use for the Chicory & Clover KAL.

Blocking Kits!

We also received some handy blocking kits. This cute tote is filled with everything you'll need to block your recent FO. Until recently, I would block my scarves, shawls and sweaters on large beach towels laying on the floor of my tiny apartment. My straight pins wouldn't stay put in the towel and my cat would make the wet garment his new bed. The blocking kit changes everything!

The kit includes an instruction pamphlet, 12" square blocking tiles, T-pins and a lint-free pressing cloth made of 100% Egyptian cotton all packed in a sturdy and stylish reusable bag. Who could ask for anything more?

-Annie, Yarn Garden

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